Lots of you have been saying you'll do anything you can to help me~Betcha' didn't think I'd take you up on it did you?
Here's the dilemna.
Lots of women with breast cancer.
Almost all of us will lose our hair from the treatment.
Remember I told you about the blue wigs at the American Cancer Society? Well, their hats aren't much better.
I DO NOT WISH TO INSULT ANYONE, however who may have donated a hand made hat!!!! It's just that they're a little "old" looking!!! And cold looking! I'm guessing the ones in the picture are crocheted because of the holes!?!?! (You can tell what an accomplished knitter and crocheter I am!)
So my challenge is this.
Please knit or crochet a stylish hat or scarf for me to donate! You know with bright colorful cool new yarns and beads and baubles!
But then again, do keep in mind they will need to match coats and other women who's style isn't,let's say, as "eclectic" as mine!
I even saw a pattern on Etsy for a hat with wool yarn dreadlocks on the top!

Talk about cute!!! Here's where to buy the pattern! Her shop name is www.janicerosema.etsy.com. (in case the link doesn't work!) She has wonderful patterns and Great prices!!!
And there were absolutely NO scarves in the boxes! The nursing director told me that certain types of chemo make it unbearable to breath in the cold air!
And fingerless gloves? All the rage!
If it isn't asking too much, could you make up a scarf/hat whatever you feel comfortable making, and mail it to me to take to the breast cancer support group? The December meeting will be Monday December 21st. I sure could take them before AND after that date too though!
There are donation boxes where we get our chemo and in the ACS office right in the door of the Cancer Center.
I don't want to leave out the men either!!! I saw NO men's stuff!!! Their heads get cold too!!! So how about a man's hat or scarf?
And here are the scrub hats I saw before going into surgery. Remember I told you about Ruby, the lady who makes them in sports teams for all of surgery staff? Well she brought me a pattern to my house!!! So I could make some of these to donate to cancer patients too. I liked these 'cause I'm always so hot and they are lightweight cotton. However.....I decided to try one out of fleece. More my style! What do you think?
so funny, but soooo me!
Come on girls......
I know you can do it!
And I guarantee you will feel better after you do!
Peace and love,
please email me and I'll give you my mailing address!
Actually - there is one coming your way. I mailed it on Monday. It was supposed to be a surprise. SURPRISE!!!
Sheri: What kinds of fibers do you want for the scarves and hats? I've heard that chemo hats can really irritate the scalp if they're not of some super soft fiber. And scarves? XXX Martie
Sheri ~ I'll come up with something even thought I'm not a knitter ~ I LOVE your spirit! You are a winner already and you've just begun the race!!!!!!!!
Love to you ~ Alice
Sheri ~
If you are talking a basic, fun fur type scarf, count me in. That's all I know how to knit!
Let me know.
Pug hugs :)
Hi girls!!! Yes, Lauren I think the fun fir would be the softest kind of fibers to use!
And can any of you tell me how to make a PDF file? I have a great sewing pattern I could share with everyone that's easy! Believe me, I DON'T knit and I DON'T sew. But I can do this!!!
I about CHOKED on this one!!!! Me with a crochet hook or a pair of knitting needles.......HOLY GUACAMOLE!!!!! What kind of yarn is used????? I betcha I can find some delicious yarn!!!!!!! I betcha I can find a friend who crochets!!!!! Sheri - God moves in mysterious ways!!!! Maybe this is what you were meant to do!!!! Your and your creativity???? Man.......
Sheri, Wasn't organized enough to take the yarn with me to the seminar today....wish I would have because it was sooooo long! Hopefully I can knit a little on Sunday....I haven't knitted in sooo long....definitely a scarf coming from me....haven't figured out the double points to do a hat yet :)
All I can say is "I'll try" I haven't knitted a scarf in quite awhile, most of mine seem to maybe be too warm unless used around the neck. I might have some yarn that would work that is more soft. I'll check and see.
Hi Sheri! Me again........started a scarf this morning...it will be a neck scarf, but I have two fabulous soft yarns that I'm mixing together. It's fun to work with big needles instead of those stupid #1 sock needles for a change. It should go fast!
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