As usual, Patti kept us laughing with her stories. Sure going to miss her. But she'll be back in six months. Long enough to miss the Missouri ice storms and freezing cold temperatures.
Here are some other girls from last night. Hooking in between bites...
The mail lady was busy at our house this week. I think I received a package every day. I got a book published in 1954 and written by Pearl McGown titled, "Color in Hooked Rugs". It is very interesting. That's one thing that doesn't change with time or styles. Color theory is a very difficult thing for some people to master. The book has 300 pages of very useful information.
Another day I got a package from a cyber friend. An ornie exchange from another board. My gift came from Doris, who said she's 78 years old and not a very accomplished hooker. Well I beg to differ!! These are the cutest ornaments and very well made. Thanks again, Doris. I love them.
Yesterday I got this GREAT Santas pattern called All Through the Night. I ordered it from I am going to make the standing Santas. At least three of them.
And finally today, the UPS guy rang the doorbell and ran. I found a huge box on the stoop. It was the citric acid crystals I had ordered. It was 4.25 lbs of citric acid, but for the price I had to order that much to be thrifty. My hubby, nor I really can stand the smell of vinegar when I'm dyeing. I have never used the citric acid, but I read that you use about 1 Tablespoon per pot of wool. If anyone has used it please let me know if this is right. I sure would hate to ruin a batch of wool. I like the way if you add vinegar at the very beginning of dyeing it sets the color right away and makes it splotchy. I don't know if I can expect the citric acid to have the same effect, though they are both the acid in the acid dye so I would assume them to work the same way. Please let me hear from you if you use it in your dyeing. I would appreciate it alot.And last, but not least Trudy from has honored me with an award!! Thanks so much Trudy!!!
...that is the best- to laugh with someone because you both think the same things are funny. Gloria Vanderbilt, b. 1924 American designer
Sheri....thank you so much for finding my Blog and commenting on it! As a result I've found your's and love it having another wonderful rug hooking blog to visit. I found some wonderful Scottish wool kilts today at a thrift store....they were men's and huge! I'll post them on my Blog tomorrow.
Dana in Virginia
Sheri ~ I had to laugh at your footstool collection ~ I, too, have a bunch and just bought another one the other day ~ wish I would hook the toppers for them ~ seems like I just want to collect them!!
Alice, sorry but I'm going to get the last laugh here...I have my feet on another one right now. CRACKED ME UP while I was reading your comment. I forgot about it! Just bought it last weekend. Maybe we should have a hooking footstool contest!!!
Hey Sheri...a footstool challenge all on your own. How funny! It sure looks like you hooking gals have fun together. Love all the photos!
Sheri, great blog post today. Love the footstools.
Really love the standing Santa's also, might look them up and see if I think I can hook a couple for gifts.
Missed you yesterday at Heritage Days. I know we will meet some day.
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